Clothes are getting thinner and the hot season is coming. Are you all getting ready? If you want to expand your choice of clothes such as bikinis, tank tops, tube tops, etc., dieting is essential. We need to show off in summer!!!!!!

 It's falling out!!!! In that sense, please make sure to try Yeoricha. Yericha truly has the ultimate taste. But the more I eat it, the prettier it becomes... It's so amazing... I started my day this morning with warm Yericha tea. Even if you drink it undiluted or cooled for lunch and dinner, drink Yeori tea warm when you wake up in the morning. If you are lazy to heat water in the morning, boil the water the day before and store it in a thermos. Drinking warm water or tea on an empty stomach in the morning will activate metabolism and burn fat. It helps with decomposition, energizes the hair roots, helps hair growth, prevents hair loss, increases body temperature, promotes blood circulation, helps remove toxins from the body, and helps with digestion and bowel movements by making bowel movements smoother! 

The perfect ingredients! 🌿The 5 core ingredients of organic mugwort, 🌼mulberry leaves, bamboo shoots, pumpkin, and corn help with circulation and excretion, and even help with inflammation, anti-inflammatory properties, and even women's diseases. Yes, of course, it is very effective in reducing swelling in the morning. Yeoricha, taken warm on an empty stomach in the morning, is really... It is the best medicine to give to your body and make you healthy and pretty, so make sure to drink it warm in the morning! Please feel free to take it in the concentrated form at lunch and dinner or in any way you like. ☕️ Before summer, improve circulation with Yeori tea every day, lower blood sugar with Skinny after meals, cut body fat, and boost body fat x3 times with Amino Max before exercise... These three combinations are just that must. It’s a pretty combination.